Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

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Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

English Hindi

Department of Occupational Therapy


Occupational Therapy, use of self-care and work and play activities to promote and maintain health, prevent disability, increase independent function, and enhance development. Occupation includes all the activities or task that a person performs each day. For example, getting dressed, playing sport, taking a class, cooking meal, getting together with friends, and working at job are considered as occupations. Occupational Therapy aims at promoting health and wellbeing through occupational activities. It focuses on recovery or maintenance of daily activities and professional skills of patients with physical, mental or cognitive disorders. A client-cantered practice that places a premium on the progress towards the client’s goals. Occupational Therapy interventions focus on remediation of the biological component, adapting the environment, modifying the task, teaching the skill, and educating the client/family in order to increase participation in performance of daily activities, particularly those that are meaningful to the client.

Occupational therapy has many techniques to deal with patients/PwDs such as paralysis, stroke, cerebral palsy, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Sensory Integration Issues, Developmental Disorders and Mental Disorders etc. The therapeutic services are delivered on regular basis.
The department of Occupational Therapy (OT) has two major components i.e. Academic activities and Clinical activities. Academic activities include conducting two long-term courses (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) and several short-term programmes. Clinical activities include the assessment, planning and providing the occupational therapy services to various types of patients.

Services available at OT unit

i. Evaluation and management of functional deficits
ii. Developmental therapy
iii. Hand therapy
iv. ADL training
v. Advise to the Person with Disability on Barrier-free environment
vi. Sensory integration therapy
vii. Splints & assistive devices


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