Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

Phone No. 06652-234397

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Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

English Hindi


IDTitleUpload DateDownload
135Tender Notice for repairing of one Package-type AC unit of OT07-05-2022
134Tender Notice for repairing of one Package-type AC unit of OT07-05-2022
133Notice regarding Repairing of damaged doors and windows in A, B, C type Quarters10-07-2022
132Tender Notice for repairing of fixed/ grouted auditorium chairs through replacement of rexine cloth & foam etc.01-09-2022
131Stage arrangement and audio-visual setup on rental basis for 2 days National Conference of Anesthesiologists (ISACON Odisha 2022) at SVNIRTAR02-09-2022