Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

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Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Balangir

English Hindi


To achieve the objectives, Institute has the following Departments and Sections:

  1. Department of Academics
  2. Department of Occupational Therapy
  3. Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics
  4. Department of Physiotherapy
  5. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  6. Library and Information Centre
  7. Department of Psychology
  8. Department of Administration
  9. Department of Finance & Accounts
  10. Department of Speech and Hearing
  11. Department of Social Work


The demand for professionals in the field of rehabilitation of Persons with Locomotor Disability is increasing due to rise in awareness among the people. To cope up with this demand and for implementing Government policies and programmes in providing a comprehensive rehabilitation services, the Institute is conducting long term and short term courses. The Institute is a pioneer in manpower training in the field of rehabilitation. It introduced Certificate course in Prosthetics and Orthotics in 1976-77.Subsequently in 1987 it was converted to Diploma in Prosthetics and Orthotics (DPO). This Diploma course was converted into 3 ½ years Degree Course in Prosthetics and Orthotics (BPO) in 1999, which was later converted into 4½ years degree course (including six months Internship) in 2003. Currently the Institute is conducting four years Degree Course w.e.f. 2012 as per the RCI norms. To fulfil the constant demand for trained manpower in rehabilitation, SVNIRTAR started two degree courses in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in 1987. It introduced Post Graduate Courses in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in 2002 and Prosthetics & Orthotics in 2016. It has an accreditation for D N B in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) to the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.Long-Term Courses
Degree Courses:
 1.Bachelor in Physiotherapy (B.P.T.) and Bachelor in Occupational Therapy (B.O.T.):

The Institute started two degree courses in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy in 1987. The present intake capacity is 62 students in each course and it is of four and a half (4½) years duration (including six months Internship). These are affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. The minimum entry qualification for these courses is passing in 10+2 examination in science stream with three subjects or its equivalent with minimum 50% aggregate marks for general candidates and 40% for scheduled castes / scheduled tribes/ physically handicapped candidates in subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Pass in English as one of the subjects is compulsory.
 2.Bachelor in Prosthetics and Orthotics (B.P.O.):

As part of ALIMCO, Institute started with conducting Certificate Courses in Prosthetics and Orthotics in 1976-77. The Institute conducts degree course in Bachelor of Prosthetics and Orthotics, since 1999 initially of 3½ years duration (including six months Internship) which was later converted to 4½ years degree course (including six months Internship) in 2003 . Currently the Institute is conducting four years Degree Course w.e.f. 2012 as per the approval of RCI .The course is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. The minimum eligibility for admission is 10+2 examination in science or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Biology with a minimum score of 40% for General category and 40% for SC/ST/PH candidates. Pass in English as one of the subjects is compulsory. The intake capacity is 46 seats.
 3.Selection Procedure:
An all India Common Entrance Test (CET) for selecting the candidates for all these three courses for SVNIRTAR and National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (NILD), Kolkata has been done every year . The institute follows reservation policy as per Govt. of India norms.
The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment sponsored the candidates from backward states for direct admission.
Postgraduate Courses:
• 1.Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT), Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) and Master of Prosthetics & Orthotics (MPO):

Two postgraduate degree courses in Occupational Therapy (MOT) and Physiotherapy (MPT) with an intake capacity of 15 seats each, Master of Prosthetics and Orthotics (MPO) course with an intake capacity of 10 seats are continued at the Institute. The courses are affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. The specializations available are ‘Rehabilitation’ and ‘Musculoskeletal Conditions’ in MPT and ‘Rehabilitation’ and ‘Developmental Disabilities’ in MOT.• 2.Selection Procedure:
An all India Post Graduate Entrance Test (PGET) conducted by the Institute under Chairmanship of Director of SVNIRTAR for selection of the candidates.
Diplomate in National Board of Examination (DNB):
Accreditation for conducting a Diplomate (DNB) in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has been granted by the National Board of Examination for two seats. This Course is equivalent to M.D. in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Stipend is paid to the selected candidates for three years. Short Term Courses, CME Programmes, Workshops, etc


The Institute, since 1976 has been regularly conducting Short Orientation Courses (SOC), Continuing Medical Education (CME) programmes, Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) programmes, Continuing OT Education (COTE) programmes, Workshops, Seminars etc. to orient the officials in Government and Non-Governmental organizations and to update the knowledge of the Rehabilitation and allied professionals throughout the country. In addition to these, public awareness courses for the patients, relatives of the PwDs, school teachers etc. are also undertaken. Tailor made in-house training and hands-on experience to individuals were also provided. Short duration Programme of one day to one week period have been designed to update the knowledge of faculty members and Rehabilitation Professionals working in various Government and Non-Governmental organizations. It is also to orient professionals and various level of government functionaries on Community Based Rehabilitation services. The programmes have also been prepared to create general awareness amongst the Community Leaders and family members of the Persons With Disabilities thus they can understand the problems faced by the Persons With Disability in the society and can find the solutions with in the community to ease their productive and self sufficient lives.
The eligibility requirement for admission to short term courses depends upon the nature and objectives of the course. Each participants of all professional SOC/CME/Workshop will have to pay Rs.300/- (three hundred only) as Registration fee. While choosing the courses, the prospective participants may go through the eligibility requirements prescribed for each course. The venue, duration and schedule of programme mentioned are changeable at the discretion of the Director.
The candidates working either in Govt. or Non-Governmental organization who propose to attend short-term courses offered by the Institute should invariably be sponsored by their employers.
Application forms along with bio-data should be forwarded to the Director/ Course Co-ordinator with sponsoring certificate at least eight weeks before the due date of each programme. A copy of the Registration form has been enclosed with this training calendar for the benefit of the participants, which can be photocopied for multiple use.
For most of the short-term courses, the Institute receives large number of applications, and at times it is not possible to accommodate every applicant. Therefore, priority is given to those candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria and who have not attended the same course in the past. Only the candidates who receive confirmation from the Institute shall be allowed to attend the programme. Registration fee `.300/- (Three hundred) only will have to pay at the time of registration for professional SOC/CME/Workshop.
TA/DA will be paid to the participants for attending SOC/CME/Workshop /Seminars, in the sleeper class/bus in the shortest route subject to submission of original ticket.
Limited number of Dormitory type of accommodation is available for male candidates on first-cum-first basis. No accommodation is available for female candidates in the Institute campus. However, applicants can make their own arrangements as per their convenience.
The candidates are required to fill up an evaluation proforma received on completion of the course and submit it to the course Co-ordinator.
No leave is permitted during the period of the short-term course.
The candidates on completion of the course are given a certificate of attendance.
Placement of Students
Different Companies (National and International) like Otto-Bock, Endolite, ALIMCO, Jindal Power and Steel Ltd. conducts Campus Interview for the final year students.
Annual Sports Day and cultural programme has been organized by SVNIRTAR students Association. The annual function was a huge hit with all the cultural events and speeches by the guests